Stay in the know on our changing world with this week’s Forest Digest:

- Losing green cover: India lost original forests 70 times Delhi’s area in 14 years – First Post
According to a recent report, between 1999 and 2013, India lost 15 percent of its total green cover, a total of 10.6 million hectares.
- Forests play a complex but crucial role in the climate change equation – Justmeans
Corporate responsibility article on how forests are important to maintaining a healthy environment, and how larger corporations, such as Asia Pulp and Paper and Cargill, are addressing the problem of climate change.
- Wildfire seasons are longer…almost everywhere on Earth – CNBC
A new article published in the journal Nature Communications this week indicates that the average annual duration of wildfire seasons has lengthened by as much as 20 percent between 1979 and 2013.
- Forestry Bill In Congress Fires Up Debate – Eugene Weekly
The Resilient Federal Forests Act of 2015, which recently passed in the House, is now being debated in the senate, especially on the topic of acquiring funds to combat wildfires.