American Forests Reflects on Florence Harding During 2019 International Women’s Day

Perhaps Florence Mabel Harding is best remembered as the First Lady of the United States and as the wife of President Warren G. Harding.  

However, American Forests would also like to recognize her role as Vice President and board member of our organization during her time as First Lady.  

On April 30, 1921, First Lady Florence Harding arrived at the American Forest headquarters at 1214 16th Street NW in Washington, DC, trowel in hand, to lend presidential appeal to a memorial tree ceremony. Later, she used the tool to plant memorial trees in front of the Library of Congress, at her Ohio home and in York, Pennsylvania.  

The trowel itself has a storied journey, used at the Pan-American Conference of Women and at other tree plantings throughout the country.  

Today, Florence Harding’s trowel is kept safe at American Forests’ headquarters in Washington, DC. We are grateful to the former First Lady for her dedication and service and for memorializing those who have fallen and expressing that gratitude through the power of trees.