Did you or your little ones miss International Walk to School Day yesterday? Not to worry. As the occasion has gained popularity in recent years, the International Walk to School Committee expanded it in 2010 to make the entire month of October Walk to School Month.
Of course, there are many reasons why it’s not feasible for everyone to let their child walk to school. But, if you do live in an area where your kids might be able to skip the school bus, just think about some of the many benefits they, the rest of your family and your community stand to gain: exercise, a sense of community, reduced air pollution and expense by saving the car trip to school. And, of course, a topic dear to our hearts here at American Forests — the many benefits to children of being outside in nature, including the nature that grows along the streets and sidewalks on the way to school. Research has shown that:

- Trees and other greenery help reduce symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, in children.
- Children who can easily reach a green space have lower stress levels and lower body mass.
- A positive dose-response relationship exists between exercise in nature and mental health, particularly for young people.
- Access to nature can improve creative problem-solving abilities.
But these benefits don’t have to stop once the walk to school is over. Having trees around at recess — or even just being able to see some nature from the classroom window — can have positive effects. That’s why our Community ReLeaf project in Atlanta has been looking at the city’s urban forest around schools to calculate the benefits they provide to students and schools. On October 24, we’ll begin the restoration phase of the project, planting trees near schools for healthier environments for youth and the larger community.
For more ideas about how to participate in International Walk to School Month, visit them on the web.