Find out the latest in forest news in this week’s Forest Digest!

Credit: Loren Kerns
  • These pine trees always grow toward the
    With double the tilt of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Cook pine trees are certainly a sight to behold. A study by California Polytechnic State University has recently estimated the equator-leaning trees to have an average tilt of 8.55 degrees, in an effort to harness more sunlight.
  • Call of the wild? Environmentalists livid over cellphone plan for national parkThe Guardian
    Controversy has sparked in Mount Rainier National Park, where a new proposal reveals plans to wire the park’s 14,410 foot-tall volcano for cellular service. While proponents of the proposal claim cell service could improve safety in the park, opponents hold that it would be an “unwelcome desecration of nature.”
  • Green Space Makes Kids SmarterThe Atlantic
    Involving 2,623 schoolchildren, a recent study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences concluded that children who have more green spaces and vegetation surrounding their schools show “more progress in working memory and attention over the course of a year.”
  • Despite increasing green cover, India is losing its forestsHindustan Times
    Although forest cover in India has grown by 5,081 kilometers between 2013 and 2015, the scientists of the Indian Space Research Organization predicted in a recent study that it will lose 2,305 kilometers by 2025. What’s worse, the Forest Research Institute reports that 60% of Indian forests are “in poor health with inadequate regeneration status.”
  • Tree-dwelling gray foxes decorate with skeletonsThe Telegraph
    Gray foxes are the only canids that can climb trees, and they certainly take advantage of their talent in a, well, unique way. Alexander Badyaev, an award-winning photographer and professor of evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona has captured a pair of gray foxes in an ironwood tree, which the animals had decorated with the skeletons of fawns and rabbits.