By Austin Bosworth, American Forests
With Earth Day just a few days away, you might be wondering how you can get involved in helping our environment and conserving forests. Likewise, the shifting of the winds in politics today may also make you unsure of how to respond to the legislative measures that could impact our environment and the people and wildlife that depend on it.

Calling your elected officials and reaching out to them at town hall events are good ways to voice your opinion, and our Action Center is another way to do it!
Keeping up-to-date with everything happening on the Hill is crucial to playing an active role in shaping the policy that affects all of our lives, and alerts in the Action Center will help you achieve that. In addition, our Action Alerts can be sent right to your email so you know exactly when your voice is needed. Through our revamped Action Center, you will learn the latest plans our government has for our forests and voice your opinion to your congressional representatives, the administration, and others with only a few clicks of your mouse!
It has become abundantly clear from these first few months that the new presidential administration is intent on changing the nature of public lands, environmental regulations, and the energy industry at an increasingly rapid pace. This not only decreases the volume of analysis and review that can be accomplished before a new law passes or fails, it also means we have a smaller amount of time to make our collective voice heard on the issue. Our Action Center and alerts offers you a way to keep up with this faster pace by summarizing a new action in Congress, the administration, or state and local events for you, describing its expected effect on forests, and calling on you to advocate through a personalized letter sent to lawmakers and policy decision-makers. We hope this streamlines the process for each of you by combining the information you need and the chance to let the lawmakers know your position. Come see our newest initiatives, and help us make sure things like the Endangered Species Act are defended for our generation and those that will come after us!
Theodore Roosevelt lived his life by the mantra, “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” With his words in mind, the Action Center is where you’ll find what you can do in response to what’s going on in government. As one of the founding fathers of modern conservation, Roosevelt managed to convince an entire country that forests are worth fighting for and that government agencies can lead that fight. Now, a new administration needs to hear that we stand with those who came before us and are committed to the programs, organizations, and projects that protect and restore our forests.[af_show_url_button url=”/get-involved/action-center/” text=”Take Action Today!”][af_show_url_button url=”/get-involved/receive-emails/” text=”Sign up for Alerts!”]