Another week full of research and legislation, it’s your forest digest!

- House Passes Bill to Hasten Timber Projects in Forests – ABC news
A bill aimed at increasing the health of America’s national forests through expediting logging projects was passed in the House on Thursday, though it is expected to meet some resistance from the White House for not going far enough.
- Japan to help VN care for forests – Vietnam News
An agreement on sustainable resource management was signed on Thursday by various government offices of Japan and Viet Nam, in which Japan will help Viet Nam to increase their capacity for natural resource management in accordance with the REDD+ action plan.
- Scientists have discovered that living near trees is good for your health – The Washington Post
A recently published study quantifies what we at American Forests have known for years: living near trees is good for your health, both mentally and physically!
- ExxonMobil And Climate Change: News Documents Reveal Oil Giant Knew Risks But Continued to Fund Deniers – International Business Times
Recently publicized emails show that ExxonMobil was aware of the threats of climate change as far back as 1981 and actively funded climate change deniers for over three decades.
- Wild food means good food: CIFOR study – Forest News
A recent study shows that wild-grown food is very important for meeting nutritional requirements for residents of low income countries.