By Sydney Mucha, Communications Intern

Today is World Wetland Day, and though our friends at Banrock Station, an eco-wine company from Down Under, celebrated the occasion over 12 hours ago, we feel we should kick off our commemoration — and continue theirs — with a highlight of the work they’re doing to support wetlands.

Since 1996, Banrock Station has placed the health of wetlands and other ecosystems in the forefront of their mission. Part of the proceeds from every wine purchase are donated to conservation organizations around the world, including American Forests.

In Sweden, Banrock is partnering with the Swedish Wetlands Association to restore and develop several wetlands on former farming land. The goal of this project, located an hour outside of Stockholm, Sweden’s capital, is to demonstrate the importance of wetlands to the local community and assist in the protection of the black-headed gull, a species that uses the area’s wetlands as breeding nurseries and migration rest-stops.

Banrock’s second project hits a lot closer to home and focuses on the continued restoration of a 600-acre wetland on the winery’s property. Since 2012, the company has led restoration activities that allow staff to remove invasive species such as European carp from the wetland and plant native vegetation, including red river gum, a water-loving species native to Australia. The restored ecosystem will give visitors and outdoor enthusiasts alike a chance to experience the area’s wonderful wildlife populations.

Wetland restoration projects, such as the ones mentioned above, are of great importance to the overall health of the planet and its inhabitants, including humans. Wetlands assist in purifying water supplies by filtering out heavy metals, excess nutrients and pollution through the assistance of various types of trees and plants. They also act as agents against climate change by storing up to 30 percent of all land-based carbon1, and protect coastlines by providing a buffer from storm surges, hurricanes and tsunamis.

American Forests applauds Banrock Station’s commitment to the environment, near and far!